5 High-End Kitchen Must-Haves

A contemporary kitchen featuring wooden cabinets and a sleek black countertop, showcasing a stylish and functional design.

The kitchen has always been considered the heart of the home, and this is even more true after being home-bound throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. (I sometimes feel like I can’t escape my kitchen, especially when kids seem to want snacks and meals alllll day long.) Luxury kitchen remodels are in high demand as we use…

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Shop Lesley’s Style: Teal + Chartreuse Bedroom

A stylish bedroom featuring a turquoise and gold color scheme, creating a serene and elegant atmosphere.

Nothing makes me happier than the color combo of teal and chartreuse. You may have picked up on the fact that these are my signature brand colors, spotted all over my website and social media. So what better way to kick off a new blog feature, Shop Lesley’s Style, than with a luxe chartreuse and…

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How to Decorate a Long Narrow Living Room

A spacious living room featuring a large sofa, a coffee table, and a television for relaxation and entertainment.

Close your eyes for me and picture a galley kitchen. They’re long, narrow, often cramped, and very blah. They’re definitely not ideal, but it’s pretty straightforward from a design perspective, right? A long, narrow living room, however, is very different. You still want that space to feel cozy and intentional, and it’s not a one-size-fits-all…

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5 Easy Ways to Create a Hotel-Inspired Living Room

Hotel lobby featuring elegant blue and green curtains, creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere for guests.

Have you ever stayed in a gorgeous boutique hotel and completely fallen in love with the vibe? I have. In fact, I’m now a convert and will opt to stay in a boutique hotel over the average chain any chance I get. Sure, they are a bit of an investment – but for a night…

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Home Maintenance Tips

Cleaning products and accessories arranged neatly on a white background, showcasing a variety of items for household cleaning.

The holidays are over, the decorations are put away, and it’s time to get your home back in order for the new year. While a deep cleaning is probably high on your to-do list, it’s also important to clean and maintain your furnishings and decor regularly throughout the year so that they look their best…

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5 AirBnb Decorating Tips to Become a Superhost

A solid blue wall, providing a vibrant and calming backdrop in a minimalist setting.

Do you have a guest room or property that you’d love to list on Airbnb, but you’re not sure how to decorate? Are you looking to create a cozy and welcoming space for guests to enjoy and become a Superhost in the process? I’ve got you. These five Airbnb decorating tips will help you create…

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How to Live Through a Kitchen Remodel

A modern kitchen featuring blue cabinets and elegant white countertops, creating a fresh and inviting atmosphere.

Renovations are tough, and it’s going to suck. Anytime you have your home invaded by contractors with walls knocked down, dust everywhere, and people in and out constantly it’s rough times. In fact, behind money struggles, remodels are the number two cause of divorce (yikes!). But don’t worry – there are things you can do…

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Before and After: A Navy, Pink and Orange Bedroom

A serene blue bedroom featuring a cozy bed, a nightstand, and a stylish lamp for a calming atmosphere.

Last week, you saw the before and after of my 3-year-old daughter’s bedroom; today, it’s time to reveal my master bedroom! This is (obviously) a space that’s super important to me, and I wanted to create a cozy, cocoon of a room with color, pattern, and a little edge. A bedroom should be restful, but…

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Before and After: A Light + Bright Girl’s Bedroom

A cozy small bedroom featuring a bed, dresser, and framed pictures adorning the walls.

I’m so excited to share the before-and-after of a light and bright girl’s bedroom with you! This project is extra-special to me, because it belongs to my 3-year-old daughter Hasley. She was less than 2 years old when we moved to Macon, Georgia, so at that time she didn’t have a lot of opinions on…

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Before and After: A Dark Teal Kitchen with Funky Lighting

A modern kitchen featuring white cabinets complemented by vibrant green accents throughout the space.

Who doesn’t love a good before-and-after? Get ready, because all month long I’m sharing a tour of our Texas home, including the living room, master bedroom, kids bedroom, my office, my husband’s office, and the kitchen. Finally – the dark teal kitchen! Disclosure: Some of the products in this before-and-after were sponsored by brands I…

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